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Teg Dosanjh | Coaching skills for leaders

In this episode we are talking about how leaders can incorporate the skills of a coach into their day-to-day leadership style with Teg Dosanjh from Samsung Electronics UK.

Teg is the Director of Connected Services and Technology at Samsung Electronics UK, a role he’s held since 2016. Teg has over 20 years’ experience in the telecoms industry, having held senior roles with brands such as Telefonica O2, HTC and Vodafone. He has significant expertise in developing successful business strategy, commercial partner management and cross category innovation.


But that’s not why I was so keen to have Teg join me on the show. I’ve had the privilege of working with Teg and his team over the past few years, and I’ve been struck by his commitment to developing and coaching those that he leads. Having experienced the good, the bad and the ugly of leadership himself, Teg has modelled himself into a developmental leader. One who integrates the skills of a coach into his day-to-day leadership and management.


By his own admission, he sets very high standards for his team and has high expectations of them, but he also works very hard to support, coach and mentor them.


In this episode we really get into the weeds of why he has adopted this approach, how he developed the skills he needed and what this looks like on a practical basis.


Links Mentioned:

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